Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's been 2 months? Really?

My life must be either so busy that I just haven't had time to write anything, or so boring that I have nothing to write. Definitely the latter! And this is OK with me, I am OK with boring. So anyway, Christmas is creeping up on us and for the first time in, oh I don't know, forever, I am not done my shopping! Haven't even really started it. I do have a few odds and ends that I have picked up throughout the year, but I haven't even made "the List". "The List" is extremely important to accomplishing the shopping because I am not one to go out shopping and just wander aimlessly, hoping that what I need will appear magically and at the right price. So I'm thinking that maybe this weekend's project will be to sit down and make "the List". Even more importantly, I need to make the holiday baking list! Oh dear, looks like I might actually be too busy to write for a while!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Life, interrupted.

Right at this very moment, I am sad. I'll even admit that I am sadder than I should be. Here's why. My husband and I were supposed to go fishing out on the Delaware Bay on Saturday with his boss in his nice fishing boat. I absolutely love being out on the water, don't really care about the fishing part though. Then along comes hurricane Danny and ruins everything, dammit! I wasn't even complaining about having to get up at 4AM to go on this trip. I've been a good girl. Why can't I go fishing? Waahhh...

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Well, it's that time of year already. I realize that most people are still busy with Summer and back to school things, but my mind has already started to fill with thoughts of Christmas. It's a problem I've had for a very long time, and I doubt that it will ever change. You see, for me, once Summer has ended, I find that I feel better focusing on Christmas plans to keep me from being so depressed about the cooler weather and shorter days. So I am going to try to enjoy the last few weeks of the weather that I live for, and then, I'll just be waiting...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Little Getaway

This is a picture of a field in the middle of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. There is nothing really special about it. In fact, it looks just like every other field in the area. The only difference is, this field is what you see out of your window when you stay at the Harvest Drive Family Inn. We have stayed before, and the location has us coming back again, in just a few weeks. The last time we were there, the Amish were having some type of evening get-together in the area, and we sat out in front of our room late at night and listened to the horse and buggies heading home. Very relaxing. The only other thing we have planned is stuffing ourselves at one or two of the local buffet restaurants. Should be fun!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's About Time

I live in a house that is almost 40 years old and, overall, it's in wonderful condition. However, there comes a time when certain things just need to be replaced, no matter how well it has been maintained over the years. One of those things is the roof, which we just replaced this weekend. The next item on the list is replacing the humongous sliding door on the front of the house with something that is hopefully more energy efficient. We are planning to do this in the fall. Then, sometime next year we will replace the windows, then remove some more trees so we can get HD service for our TVs, then maybe new vinyl siding, then perhaps refinish the wood floors...I'm feeling tired and poor just writing about it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Global Warming?

OK, so it's not actually 4 degrees outside, but it might as well be. For crying out loud, it's the last week of May and I'm sitting here wearing flannel pajama pants and a thermal shirt and I'm still feeling a little bit chilly. If things don't start heating up soon, I'll be searching the real estate listings for South Carolina. Or Hell. At least I wouldn't be cold there.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pool Season?

This is the time of year that I usually begin cleaning out the pool in preparation for my favorite pastime, which is, obviously, swimming. However, the weather is not putting me in the mood for this task. We have only had scattered hot days, interspersed with very cool and/or rainy days. And the extended weather forecast is calling for more of the same, so I really have no motivation at all to begin this task, except for the fact that if I don't do it, it won't get done, and I really do want to go swimming sometime soon. Better get busy this weekend.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mini Vacation

So this weekend we are going to Wildwood for the spring Classic Car Show on the boardwalk, and I am probably a little more excited about it than I should be. After all, it's not really about the cars, at least not for me, although some people, like the ones named Jack, are actually quite interested in the cars on display. The real attraction of the event is the people that we will be hanging out with for the weekend. Put a little alcohol into the equation, and it's bound to be fun. I mean, c'mon, how excited can you actually get about looking at car That's the reason that, in my mind, I prefer to think of it as a mini vacation, not a car show. Whatever helps me keep my sanity.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's A Small World

I just returned from a 5-day vacation to Disney World. While I have been there too many times to count, the place is just so darn wonderful that you can't help but have a good time. The weather was out-of-this-world perfect, the accomodations were superb, the food was wonderful, and everyone I met was friendly. What more could you ask for when on vacation? Sadly, it all came to a screeching halt on Sunday with a two and a half hour plane ride followed by a two hour car ride. It is indeed a small world.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Harry Kalas, the voice of the Philadelphia Phillies since 1971, passed away yesterday, getting ready to do what he loved. Words cannot describe the memories I have of hearing his voice on the radio, and the feeling of knowing that I will never hear it again. This is just my little tribute to a great man.

Monday, April 13, 2009


OK, I admit that I don't know a lot of things when it comes to the inner workings of my computer. Basically, I push keys and click on things, and 99% of the time, I get what I want. Today, I decide to check on my blog and I click on the bookmark for it on my task bar at the top of the screen, as usual. After a few seconds, a google page opens saying, sorry, your request looks like a virus or some such gobbledygook, and we can't honor your request. I don't know, it's all Chinese to me, really. So, doing the only thing I know how, I try the same thing several more times, with the same result. Now I am confused because I don't know if I did something wrong, if there is something wrong with my computer, or if the world is coming to an end. I need help.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Also on the schedule of spring activities to look forward to is our almost-annual excursion to Wildwood. We are going for the spring classic car show the second weekend in May, and while looking at classic cars is not the most fun thing in the world, we always have a great time. This year the owner of the Tangiers Motel, where we will be staying, got permission from the city to close off the street and have a block party. I hear that there will be a band all day, so that should be lots of fun. There might even be a little bit of alcohol, who knows!


While Spring is not my favorite season (Summer gets that title), it is the season whose arrival I get most excited about. The blooming forsythia and daffodils, the buds on the orchard trees, the smells and sounds that come this time of year, are what make life worth living. Knowing that the cold and dreary weather that makes up half the year will not be back for six months is just about the best gift one could receive. And it's just in time for my birthday! What a coincidence!. Aahhh, I can almost smell the chlorinated pool water and taste the fruity concoction that goes along with it. It won't be long now! YAY!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Progress Report

The laundry room makeover has come to a screeching halt, or so it seems. I had high hopes that it would be done by the end of the month, but seeing how there are only 2 days left, I don't think that's possible. Why does it always seem that when the end is in sight, the motivation seems to vanish? We have probably completed about 80% of the project, so why the hell can't we get the last 20% done? This is not a rhetorical question. If you know the answer, please tell me.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Loss of Ambition

My husband and I are in the middle of tackling the last do-it-yourself home project, which is the laundry room. We thought it would be a fairly easy job. It is a small room and all we were going to do was paint, install new vinyl floor tiles, and install a shelving system on the walls in place of the previous cabinets. As it turns out, the part that I thought would be the hardest was actually the easiest, moving the washer and dryer outside. Piece of cake. What wasn't so easy was removing the soot and grime from all of the surfaces before they could be painted or tiled. I have high hopes that we will be done before the end of the month. I am such an optimist.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Budget Crisis

I find myself in quite a perilous predicament, and there is no one to blame but me, unfortunately. Due to, oh I don't know, poor planning, no foresight, or just lack of willpower, I find myself with a total of $82.49 to live on until my next paycheck, which comes in 12 days. Twelve really long days. Really, really long. I already have everything I NEED to get through 12 days. Plenty of food, smokes (not a necessity, but, kinda), and the bills are paid so there is really no need for much money. However, I do so enjoy putting gas in my car. Not much fun just sitting in it and making your own engine sounds. I also enjoy eating lunch most days, and I don't have the food at home to pack a lunch. So if I am just a tad grouchy the next week or so, you will understand. Now if I can just get that quarter from the kitty...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Waiting for the snow...

If you are the kind of person that actually believes what you hear on the TV news, then you would be expecting the amount of snow pictured here. However, if you have a brain, are a skeptic, or just hate winter, you will be expecting much less. I fall into the latter category, therefore I am expecting to have to show up at work tomorrow morning. What I really want is to be placed into a coma and brought out of it when the temperature is over 75, but that ain't in the forecast...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

And NowFor The Hard Part...

The easy part of planning this vacation is done. Making reservations and figuring out what to do each day? Piece of cake. The hard part is packing. I am not the lightest of packers, neither am I a diva who must take everything I own with me, just in case. I fall comfortably in the middle, I think. Still, trying to pack for 4-5 days in only two carry-on bags presents some challenges to me. I am treating this as a challenge and I hope to be victorious. Ooh! I think I may have to go shopping for new clothes or shoes or something for this trip! I feel better already!.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Your Dreams Come True

Just finished making the reservations for our much-needed getaway to the land of the mouse, AKA Disney World! We will be there from April 22nd to the 26th and I just can't wait! It's been almost 2 whole years (!) since my last visit and I sure do miss the place. The last time I went my soon-to-be husband was with me and he had never been there before so I showed him EVERYTHING! Since I have been there so many times, the list of things I will do on this trip will be much shorter--Splash Mountain, Expedition Everest, Kali River Rapids, a hot dog at Casey's Corner, and relaxing by the pool. Ahh, sounds like heaven!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

When You Wish Upon a Star

I defy anyone to tell me how this isn't the happiest place on earth. Just you go ahead and try. Hopefully within the next few days I will know the definite travel dates, then I can really start packing! Can't wait!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Leavin, on a jet plane...

Well, not for a while, but at the moment it's all I have to look forward to. The winter doldrums have arrived and the only thing that keeps me sane is the thought of being somewhere warmer. A lot warmer. That's me in the middle window, waving to you!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Day Early

Happy Groundhog Day! What's that? You don't celebrate Groundhog Day? I can think of no better reason, or time, for such a silly holiday. Christmas and New Year's have faded from memory, and the only thing to look forward to now is warmer weather, which seems so awfully far away. So have a little rodent-inspired celebration! Heck, there's even a movie to go along with the day, what could be better?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Yes, please.

Maybe if I had a few of these, cranked the heat up to 85 or so, put on shorts and a t-shirt, and sunglasses, then closed all the blinds to keep the gloominess out, maybe, just maybe, the day wouldn't seem so bad. Whaddya think? It's worth a try. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I Hate Birds

I think we have figured out what happened to our poor little Puddy, and as strange as it sounds, it really does make sense. We think that a hawk or some other type of large, mean bird, swooped down and grabbed hold of his head and tried to fly away with him. Now that we have had a chance to look at his wound closer, it looks like part of his scalp was ripped away from his skull, and it is now re-healing out of place. Don't think there's anything we can do about that now, but he seems to be doing just fine, enjoying his plush accomodations and venturing outside several times a day. I hate birds.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kitty Trauma

See this cute little kitty? He showed up one day almost 3 years ago and we made the mistake of feeding him. So now he's our kitty. We have faithfully provided him with food and shelter better than most outside cats have, and in return he has become my husband's best friend and helper. This past week we realized we hadn't seen him in a few days and began to get worried. Then, out of the blue, he showed up. He was hungry and seemed confused. Mostly he was hungry. A little later we looked at him more closely and noticed he seemed to have sustained a head injury resulting in a large lump, and one of his eyes was kind of squinty. At the same time, we were in the beginning stage of a really cold spell, so my dear husband suggested that we keep him inside so he could heal in comfort, and I, being the softy that I am, agreed. This involved a trip to Wal Mart to get the things that are necessary for a cat to be inside. Now, after a few days, I think the cat is much better and just taking advantage of the situation. He doesn't know it yet but as soon as the weather warms up some he is returning to outside-cat status.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Speaking of island dreaming...

As the name of my blog suggests, not so subtly, I am fond of islands of the tropical kind, such as the lovely scene to the left. Especially at this time of the year I find my thoughts frequently stuck in a scene such as this. Of course, I'm not really that fussy. It doesn't have to be a tropical island. At a party last night I met someone who was bemoaning the cold and dreary weather, and she had this insight, "I just want to live someplace where there are no signs saying Caution: Bridge freezes before road surface." I said "Amen to that!" Time to start planning the next getaway!

Friday, January 9, 2009

My Ugly Addiction

In general I try to live my life by a few basic principles. One of the most basic of these principles is to be honest at all times with those who are close to me. It is with this in mind that I share the following information that I may have been withholding from my loved ones for too long now. I am addicted to Cheez-it crackers. I have been dealing with this addiction most of my adult life, and have been fairly successful with it recently. The main reason for this success was the ability I have developed to avoid the cracker aisle at the grocery store altogether. However, on a recent trip to BJ's with my beloved husband, a mega-size box of them ended up in our cart. OK, I thought, I can handle this. And I did, for a while. My husband put them away and they were somewhat out of sight, and so I forgot about them. Until the other day when I saw him eating them and, well, let's just say that I fell off the wagon pretty darn hard. I imagine they will be all eaten up in a few more days, and then, no more grocery shopping with the husband!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sleep-deprived Ramblings...

So tonight when I got home from work and my husband asked how my day was and I told him it was long and hard and I was tired and he asked why was I tired and I told him it was because I didn't sleep well last night and he asked why didn't I sleep well and I said I don't know, he said "You should really talk to the doctor about your sleep problems, it's not normal." Good advice, most people would say. However, this advice comes from someone who had to FIND a doctor a few years ago when he had pneumonia, and only goes now because his blood pressure has to be monitored in order for him to maintain his CDL. So, being the good wife that I am (stop laughing!) I replied, "Yes, dear, I will talk to the doctor about it." And I think I actually meant it.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 1

Well, I'm not sure how, or even why, but I have created a blog for myself. Yay me. I figure that the next step in this process is to tell my sister what I have done. She will be so proud of me, seeing how she's the master of this kind of thing! Now only time will tell if I have anything interesting to say or not!