Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kitty Trauma

See this cute little kitty? He showed up one day almost 3 years ago and we made the mistake of feeding him. So now he's our kitty. We have faithfully provided him with food and shelter better than most outside cats have, and in return he has become my husband's best friend and helper. This past week we realized we hadn't seen him in a few days and began to get worried. Then, out of the blue, he showed up. He was hungry and seemed confused. Mostly he was hungry. A little later we looked at him more closely and noticed he seemed to have sustained a head injury resulting in a large lump, and one of his eyes was kind of squinty. At the same time, we were in the beginning stage of a really cold spell, so my dear husband suggested that we keep him inside so he could heal in comfort, and I, being the softy that I am, agreed. This involved a trip to Wal Mart to get the things that are necessary for a cat to be inside. Now, after a few days, I think the cat is much better and just taking advantage of the situation. He doesn't know it yet but as soon as the weather warms up some he is returning to outside-cat status.

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