Sunday, March 29, 2009

Progress Report

The laundry room makeover has come to a screeching halt, or so it seems. I had high hopes that it would be done by the end of the month, but seeing how there are only 2 days left, I don't think that's possible. Why does it always seem that when the end is in sight, the motivation seems to vanish? We have probably completed about 80% of the project, so why the hell can't we get the last 20% done? This is not a rhetorical question. If you know the answer, please tell me.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Loss of Ambition

My husband and I are in the middle of tackling the last do-it-yourself home project, which is the laundry room. We thought it would be a fairly easy job. It is a small room and all we were going to do was paint, install new vinyl floor tiles, and install a shelving system on the walls in place of the previous cabinets. As it turns out, the part that I thought would be the hardest was actually the easiest, moving the washer and dryer outside. Piece of cake. What wasn't so easy was removing the soot and grime from all of the surfaces before they could be painted or tiled. I have high hopes that we will be done before the end of the month. I am such an optimist.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Budget Crisis

I find myself in quite a perilous predicament, and there is no one to blame but me, unfortunately. Due to, oh I don't know, poor planning, no foresight, or just lack of willpower, I find myself with a total of $82.49 to live on until my next paycheck, which comes in 12 days. Twelve really long days. Really, really long. I already have everything I NEED to get through 12 days. Plenty of food, smokes (not a necessity, but, kinda), and the bills are paid so there is really no need for much money. However, I do so enjoy putting gas in my car. Not much fun just sitting in it and making your own engine sounds. I also enjoy eating lunch most days, and I don't have the food at home to pack a lunch. So if I am just a tad grouchy the next week or so, you will understand. Now if I can just get that quarter from the kitty...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Waiting for the snow...

If you are the kind of person that actually believes what you hear on the TV news, then you would be expecting the amount of snow pictured here. However, if you have a brain, are a skeptic, or just hate winter, you will be expecting much less. I fall into the latter category, therefore I am expecting to have to show up at work tomorrow morning. What I really want is to be placed into a coma and brought out of it when the temperature is over 75, but that ain't in the forecast...