Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Global Warming?

OK, so it's not actually 4 degrees outside, but it might as well be. For crying out loud, it's the last week of May and I'm sitting here wearing flannel pajama pants and a thermal shirt and I'm still feeling a little bit chilly. If things don't start heating up soon, I'll be searching the real estate listings for South Carolina. Or Hell. At least I wouldn't be cold there.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pool Season?

This is the time of year that I usually begin cleaning out the pool in preparation for my favorite pastime, which is, obviously, swimming. However, the weather is not putting me in the mood for this task. We have only had scattered hot days, interspersed with very cool and/or rainy days. And the extended weather forecast is calling for more of the same, so I really have no motivation at all to begin this task, except for the fact that if I don't do it, it won't get done, and I really do want to go swimming sometime soon. Better get busy this weekend.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mini Vacation

So this weekend we are going to Wildwood for the spring Classic Car Show on the boardwalk, and I am probably a little more excited about it than I should be. After all, it's not really about the cars, at least not for me, although some people, like the ones named Jack, are actually quite interested in the cars on display. The real attraction of the event is the people that we will be hanging out with for the weekend. Put a little alcohol into the equation, and it's bound to be fun. I mean, c'mon, how excited can you actually get about looking at car engines...all...day...long? That's the reason that, in my mind, I prefer to think of it as a mini vacation, not a car show. Whatever helps me keep my sanity.