Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Yes, please.

Maybe if I had a few of these, cranked the heat up to 85 or so, put on shorts and a t-shirt, and sunglasses, then closed all the blinds to keep the gloominess out, maybe, just maybe, the day wouldn't seem so bad. Whaddya think? It's worth a try. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I Hate Birds

I think we have figured out what happened to our poor little Puddy, and as strange as it sounds, it really does make sense. We think that a hawk or some other type of large, mean bird, swooped down and grabbed hold of his head and tried to fly away with him. Now that we have had a chance to look at his wound closer, it looks like part of his scalp was ripped away from his skull, and it is now re-healing out of place. Don't think there's anything we can do about that now, but he seems to be doing just fine, enjoying his plush accomodations and venturing outside several times a day. I hate birds.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kitty Trauma

See this cute little kitty? He showed up one day almost 3 years ago and we made the mistake of feeding him. So now he's our kitty. We have faithfully provided him with food and shelter better than most outside cats have, and in return he has become my husband's best friend and helper. This past week we realized we hadn't seen him in a few days and began to get worried. Then, out of the blue, he showed up. He was hungry and seemed confused. Mostly he was hungry. A little later we looked at him more closely and noticed he seemed to have sustained a head injury resulting in a large lump, and one of his eyes was kind of squinty. At the same time, we were in the beginning stage of a really cold spell, so my dear husband suggested that we keep him inside so he could heal in comfort, and I, being the softy that I am, agreed. This involved a trip to Wal Mart to get the things that are necessary for a cat to be inside. Now, after a few days, I think the cat is much better and just taking advantage of the situation. He doesn't know it yet but as soon as the weather warms up some he is returning to outside-cat status.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Speaking of island dreaming...

As the name of my blog suggests, not so subtly, I am fond of islands of the tropical kind, such as the lovely scene to the left. Especially at this time of the year I find my thoughts frequently stuck in a scene such as this. Of course, I'm not really that fussy. It doesn't have to be a tropical island. At a party last night I met someone who was bemoaning the cold and dreary weather, and she had this insight, "I just want to live someplace where there are no signs saying Caution: Bridge freezes before road surface." I said "Amen to that!" Time to start planning the next getaway!

Friday, January 9, 2009

My Ugly Addiction

In general I try to live my life by a few basic principles. One of the most basic of these principles is to be honest at all times with those who are close to me. It is with this in mind that I share the following information that I may have been withholding from my loved ones for too long now. I am addicted to Cheez-it crackers. I have been dealing with this addiction most of my adult life, and have been fairly successful with it recently. The main reason for this success was the ability I have developed to avoid the cracker aisle at the grocery store altogether. However, on a recent trip to BJ's with my beloved husband, a mega-size box of them ended up in our cart. OK, I thought, I can handle this. And I did, for a while. My husband put them away and they were somewhat out of sight, and so I forgot about them. Until the other day when I saw him eating them and, well, let's just say that I fell off the wagon pretty darn hard. I imagine they will be all eaten up in a few more days, and then, no more grocery shopping with the husband!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sleep-deprived Ramblings...

So tonight when I got home from work and my husband asked how my day was and I told him it was long and hard and I was tired and he asked why was I tired and I told him it was because I didn't sleep well last night and he asked why didn't I sleep well and I said I don't know, he said "You should really talk to the doctor about your sleep problems, it's not normal." Good advice, most people would say. However, this advice comes from someone who had to FIND a doctor a few years ago when he had pneumonia, and only goes now because his blood pressure has to be monitored in order for him to maintain his CDL. So, being the good wife that I am (stop laughing!) I replied, "Yes, dear, I will talk to the doctor about it." And I think I actually meant it.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 1

Well, I'm not sure how, or even why, but I have created a blog for myself. Yay me. I figure that the next step in this process is to tell my sister what I have done. She will be so proud of me, seeing how she's the master of this kind of thing! Now only time will tell if I have anything interesting to say or not!