Monday, January 5, 2009

Sleep-deprived Ramblings...

So tonight when I got home from work and my husband asked how my day was and I told him it was long and hard and I was tired and he asked why was I tired and I told him it was because I didn't sleep well last night and he asked why didn't I sleep well and I said I don't know, he said "You should really talk to the doctor about your sleep problems, it's not normal." Good advice, most people would say. However, this advice comes from someone who had to FIND a doctor a few years ago when he had pneumonia, and only goes now because his blood pressure has to be monitored in order for him to maintain his CDL. So, being the good wife that I am (stop laughing!) I replied, "Yes, dear, I will talk to the doctor about it." And I think I actually meant it.

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